Friday, February 28, 2020


We’re in the middle of third grade, and it’s by far my favorite year. It was much to my surprise that I started feeling the nudge to do something different back in October. Not seeing another option, I assumed the Lord meant public school, but I really hated the thought of him being gone 5 days a week. The Lord provided a new opportunity and we will send him to
Two days next year to a school. We’re so excited, and sad at times, I’ll admit.
I’ve noticed I’m much more brave to post the messier pictures of life on my blog. That’s weird. I didn’t realize I cared!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sick winter

Since December of 2019 we’ve been sick. And I mean, someone, if not more than 1 person, has been sick since December. It’s exhausting, frustrating, and sad. As much as I hate for my children to feel poorly, it’s worse when I’m not feeling great because I am the one caring for everyone. Last week it was my turn, this week it’s David and Sara. 😞

My last baby
10 months old. I love my sweet baby David 

Trip to Greensboro for lunch

This is a bit out of order. I hoped that I would have been able to completely catch us up on the past year before posting current, but here we are. 

This past weekend we went to Greensboro for lunch and to Trader Joe’s. We just needed to get out of the house together as a family. It was nice!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Finishing the Renovation
We finally got the finishing touches put in for the shelving in the kitchen, including the island top. Final photos with hopefully some before/after for comparisons to come soon. 


Bringing home a third baby was a dream come true for me. I had a lot of confidence this time, and I knew what I was doing. It was a lot of freedom in that.
I’m including this picture because to me it shows what mothering in those first few early days looks like for me. Mess, everywhere. Baby stuff, everywhere. Yes, I know a bouncer on top of a bed looks super unsafe, but so is the 19 month old walking around. So, I chose the safer option.
Oh, the milk production....
Snuggles for everyone!
And then school resumes!
SPRING FINALLY truly showed up!! And we enjoyed it so much. Lots of porch sitting, park playing, soaking in the warmth and loving it.

Me and the mother bird bonded while she built her nest, covered her eggs, and then fed them once they hatched. And I sat with my baby, watched him grow, and fed him, too. We became friends.
Our family

Coming Home & the first days

Coming home felt overwhelming to me. I knew the first few days would be ok because Dennis would be home, but it was after that I was anxious about. But we came in, and each
Remember that fever? Well, it never fully went away. Daniel and Sara were now sick and we all piled in the pediatricians office for sick visits for 2, and a well/weight check for David.
2 ear infections, 2 antibiotics.

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